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02 Jan 2019 21:16 #289136 by jay718

hotseatgames wrote: But WHO KNOWS who is REALLY pulling the strings??!!!?

QAnon knows...

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02 Jan 2019 22:14 #289140 by Vysetron

Jackwraith wrote: Kinda like Shellhead, I'm not into dexterity games and I was/am put off by the setting. It simply sounded way too alt-right to me (Military Guys gun down Tree Huggers!) But my political activity makes me pretty conscious of stuff like that, so I'm clearly not the target audience. That's fine. I'm not the target audience for Agricola, either. I'm glad it's worked out so well for you guys.

Bit of a reach, yeah? Ecoterrorists aren't historically tree huggers. They're more the "blow up a dam" type. Makes a decent villain in my opinion.

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03 Jan 2019 08:30 #289160 by Jackwraith
Not in the States. The Republicans routinely label organizations like ASPCA and Greenpeace as "eco-terrorists" for engaging in activities like trying to prevent whaling ships from operating (getting in between harpoons and their targets, etc.) I've been part of or cooperated with groups like that for most of my political life, so that's the image that came to mind when I saw the label. When I play a cult leader in Fate of the Elder Gods, I know it's fantasy, so I'm not worried about destroying the world with Cthulhu. I'm less sanguine about playing a SEAL team, since those guys actually exist. I mean, it's all contextual, right? I'm an atheist, but I love playing Here I Stand and Crusader Rex.

But mostly it's about dexterity games. I suck at them.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jexik

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03 Jan 2019 08:43 #289164 by Vysetron
Last line got an audible snicker from me. Well done, you.

I guess I don't have a problem with Seal Team Flix's theme because in-world the villains are, in fact, villains. There's not a single sympathetic character among them, they're cartoons. We're talking full on GI Joe shit. Looking forward to more variety.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jackwraith, Jexik

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03 Jan 2019 16:24 #289208 by ubarose
My squeamishness isn't about the villains, it's the heroes. After being at war for what is it now, 16 years, I have too many friends (and now children of friends) who are in or were in the military. Seal Team Flix makes me think about them, and makes it super yucky when one of the heroes gets hit.

It's still a great game though.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jexik

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04 Jan 2019 00:02 #289226 by SuperflyPete
The thing is that they’re not eco terrorists in the sense of releasing caged shampoo test monkeys, they’re VHEMT types who want to kill all life on Earth.

I get what Shellie is saying, though. Neither of my kids have been alive while my nation wasn’t in a war. Hell, for that matter, neither have I, barely. And my own BFF and kids are, yeah, if you want to internalize the game, that could be uncomfortable.

But that’s not what the game is about. This game is naked gun (and naked fun). You can’t bounce a bullet off of three walls and kill a person hiding behind a box. The puns and bad guy names were put in to lighten it up and remind players that this is a beer and pretzels game.

I’m still in the negative, financially, on the game...and it’s worth it. The goal was to have a pro copy of the game, and I have that.

It’s for sale at two local stores here.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jur, Gary Sax, Jexik, WadeMonnig, Vysetron

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04 Jan 2019 09:30 #289232 by Shellhead

SuperflyTNT wrote: I’m still in the negative, financially, on the game...and it’s worth it. The goal was to have a pro copy of the game, and I have that.

It’s for sale at two local stores here.

I know the feeling. My one and only published game design involved long hours of development, prototyping, and playtesting, and my co-designer and I only got paid 3 copies of the game plus $300, each. But the goal wasn't to make money, it was to get our game published. Our only regret is that the publisher made so many changes to the game design that we only feel like the game is half of what we intended it to be.

By the way, the Fantasy Flight Event Center includes a retail shop, and they were selling STF. Last time I looked, they were down to just one copy on the shelf and that has probably been sold as well.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jur, hotseatgames

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04 Jan 2019 09:44 #289234 by Michael Barnes
Yeah, let’s not let the peanut gallery grousing detract from the fact that you guys made a great game- I think it has definite “cult” potential.

My FLGS has sold two copies, I know.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax, hotseatgames

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04 Jan 2019 11:18 - 04 Jan 2019 11:19 #289245 by Sagrilarus
It appears to me that there are a bunch of options for retheme on this if there's an issue with enough buyers. Setting the game in World War 2 would be the no-brainer, and yeah, you could do zombies (God help us all). But frankly, you could retheme it to Splatoon The Board Game with a licensing agreement and take the brand recognition with you to increase sales. Have yet to play it, but everyone I've heard speak on it indicates that it's the physicality of the game that makes it hum, 'cept Vasel of course.
Last edit: 04 Jan 2019 11:19 by Sagrilarus.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Hadik

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08 Jan 2019 18:12 - 08 Jan 2019 18:13 #289440 by WadeMonnig

BillyBobThwarton wrote: The way you describe Inis and your wife...are y’all playing Inis 2 players?

Was thinking about this comment last night and decided to head to head with my wife. Much tighter since you only have one person to contend with. My wife went the expansion route with adding new tiles at least once per turn. She took the pretender token (aka the I've fulfilled a win requirement token) for being in 5 separate areas plus her Deed token which she received for smashing my troops in an contested area. I burned a few seasons cards before admitting defeat and letting her take my army (and, this, playing her bard card to claim the Deed Token) but managed to achieve the "be present in areas with 6 sanctuaries" so that I could also claim a pretender token thus pushing us to another round. I played a sanctuary card right off the bat which she "geis-ed" away (basically undoing my action) but that was my bluff, my real play was to be present in 5 or more areas (plus newly acquired deed card) which I managed with a Epic Tale card that allowed me to place 2 troops in the capital (and not initiate a clash). Super fun, as usual, so it gets a thumbs up even at two players....but better with more IMHO.
Last edit: 08 Jan 2019 18:13 by WadeMonnig.
The following user(s) said Thank You: BillyBobThwarton

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