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This is part of a series of bloody matches to the death. Show support for your favorite game so it will do better in the fight. You can support it by writing why you think its the better game and more importantly by betting (i.e. voting for) it. Please make it clear for when I check the bets later. You have until Friday when I tally the bets and declare the winner. I will reserve my bet for any tie-breakers.

Although you should be familiar with both games, there is no rule that says you have to have played both of them. The only rule in Trashdome is this;

Two games enter! One game leaves!

Trashdome - Small World VS Chaos In The Old World

08 Feb 2010 09:19 - 08 Feb 2010 09:20 #55018 by san il defanso
I've played both games, and I really enjoyed both.

Chaos in the Ole World is a pretty great Euro-style design. Truth be told, it's the sort of game that I really love, and I came away quite impressed. My one caveat is the theme, which didn't do a blessed thing for me. I'm not a Warhammer fan, and without love of the license, it just kind of fades into something that's really really dark, and that's not really my bag.

Smallworld is a game that keeps on surprising me. It can be played like a straight Euro, but with the right people you get those kinds of unsanctioned alliances and bash-the-leader (or perceived leader) that you do in Risk. It's an extremely stripped-down multi-player conflict game, and it delivers the goods. I honestly think it gets unfairly maligned on F:AT. Maybe if it had been released by FFG instead of DoW...

Anyhoo, my vote goes to Small World.
Last edit: 08 Feb 2010 09:20 by san il defanso. Reason: typo

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08 Feb 2010 11:44 - 08 Feb 2010 11:45 #55024 by Dr. Mabuse
I've played Small World twice and Chaos in the Old World once. I too am surprised at the hate-on for Small World. It's got plenty o' conflict, great variable powers and a neat fantasy-esque theme. I haven't quite figured ot the strategy but that can be said of any game. I would play again without a second thought

Chaos has plenty o' sweet dice rollin' conflict, awesome variable powers and although I know little about the Warhammer theme I'm intrigued by it.

I'm giving the edge to Chaos based on theme but they are both two games I enjoy equally.
Last edit: 08 Feb 2010 11:45 by Dr. Mabuse.

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08 Feb 2010 11:46 #55026 by mjl1783
I honestly think it gets unfairly maligned on F:AT. Maybe if it had been released by FFG instead of DoW...

I don't know about that. I think the game gets a pretty fair shake around here, probably more than most Euros. It's not even doing as badly in this Trashdome as some people predicted. There are a few guys that really don't like it, and their criticisms are pretty accurate. No matter how cutthroat you play it, Small World just isn't one of those games where you'll be talking about a particular session the next week.

Sag's right about the McDonald's cheeseburger thing. That's fine, I like a McDonald's cheeseburger from time to time. I'd rather have that than the McDonald's Triple Bacon Cheese Chicken Chipotle Burger that is CitOW.

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08 Feb 2010 16:15 #55053 by Columbob
I haven't played Small World yet, not that I wouldn't, but I would not go looking for it either.

I loved my one play of Chaos, and I'm a Warhammer nut (the fluff anyways, as I don't really game anymore), so my vote is easy. I loved the different powers, different paths to victory, the spells, the double-guessing of the opponents, seizing opportunities, groaning when Tzeentch would teleport Khorne daemons away from his guys and into mine, etc. Great, fun game.

Vote: Chaos in the Old World

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08 Feb 2010 16:32 #55054 by generalpf
Haven't played CitOW but since (for some stupid reason) it's okay to vote anyway I
VOTE: Small World

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08 Feb 2010 20:54 - 08 Feb 2010 20:55 #55072 by Mr. Bistro
Vote: Chaos in the Old World.

CitOW makes me feel like a Chaos God. Small World makes me feel like I'm playing a board game.
Last edit: 08 Feb 2010 20:55 by Mr. Bistro.

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09 Feb 2010 07:44 #55083 by Matt Thrower
Mr. Bistro wrote:

Vote: Chaos in the Old World.

CitOW makes me feel like a Chaos God. Small World makes me feel like I'm playing a board game.

That's a fantastic encapsulation that can probably be extended to explain what differentiates most great games from merely good ones.

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09 Feb 2010 11:55 #55099 by mjl1783
That's a fantastic encapsulation that can probably be extended to explain what differentiates most great games from merely good ones.

Sure is. I can't say I share Mr. Bistro's sentiment with regards to CitOW, but before the days of the internet when we learned all this esoteric critical language for board games, that's exactly how we identified the good games. Did it feel like you were actually doing the the things the game was ostensibly having you do?

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09 Feb 2010 13:50 #55112 by Space Ghost
That is the yardstick I measure most games by. Does it trigger the "imagination zone" of my brain? That is all AT really is anyway -- just imagination and different ways to serve as the portal to the game world. CitOW does that better than Small World. There is a lot about Small World to like, but it is so streamlined, I have trouble ever "feeling" like I am one of the races.

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09 Feb 2010 19:12 #55153 by mjl1783
There is a lot about Small World to like, but it is so streamlined, I have trouble ever "feeling" like I am one of the races.

I don't think you're intended to feel like you're one of the races. You cycle through them so quickly, that would be impossible. Rather, I get the impression you're supposed to be some kind of god that's playing a vicarious King of the Hill with a bunch of other gods, which is a concept I think Small World brings accross fairly well.

And I totally disagree with you guys about CitOW. I've said it here several times already, but I just don't feel like I'm creating any chaos when I'm playing the game. Maybe if the inhabitants of the Old World made more of an appearance in the game beyond the occasional token or odd mention on a card, it could have been better, but as it is, the victims of your evil escapades are practically abstracted right out of the game. The game world just feels like a big bucket from which you pull points until its empty.

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10 Feb 2010 14:06 #55234 by DeletedUser
FFG rox. DOW sux.
Warhammer rox. Disney sux.
Chaos rox. Vinci II sux.
Schweig! post rox. mjl post sux.

Vote: Chaos in the Old World

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10 Feb 2010 17:30 #55274 by mjl1783
mjl post sux.

The truth is sometimes painful to hear D&T, especially when the truth is that you're a bunch of closet self-loathing, Euro-sympathizing cube pushers with a penchant for passive-aggresive "interaction" who, in all likelihood, enjoy sexual fantasies involving blue succubi. I wouldn't want to hear that about myself either, but someone has to say it, sir, for your own good.

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10 Feb 2010 17:51 #55279 by MrZir
After everything that I have read about both these games I don't intend to play either one if I can help it. Many of the critisims for both games have already been discussed here. If I had to choose, it would be Small World by a slim margin. There are many other better gaming pastimes out there.

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10 Feb 2010 18:09 #55282 by southernman
The only thing I felt playing Small World was someone poking me in the ribs to wake me up for my turn.

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10 Feb 2010 18:17 #55283 by mjl1783
But to be fair, at Southernman's age, that's all he feels during sex.

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