“Well, I see you have returned to our little familia. And this after you told everyone here in your Sagrada review how the game was simply...Okay. Well, we do welcome sinners back into the fold. What do you have to say for yourself?”
Well, I really wanted to like this game which is why I did something I rarely do and usually regret: I bought an expansion to “fix” my problems with it....
“No one expects the Spanish Expansion to fix issues with a game!”
I believe it is called the...
“Silence! Our chief addition is a Fifth Player. A Fifth player and a Sixth Player! A sixth player and a fifth player. And a private dice pool. Our *three* additions are a fifth player, and a sixth player, and a private dice pool...and some new tool cards and ...window pattern cards...... Our *four*.no... *Amongst* our additions.... Amongst our additions...are such elements as a fifth player and a sixth player...”
Okay, granted, one of the key reasons I got this expansion is that it adds a fifth and sixth player, which better fits the count of my my core gaming group...
“Now, old man -- you are accused of heresy on three counts -- heresy by thought, heresy by word, heresy by deed, and heresy by action -- *four* counts. Do you confess?”
Well, I confess that the part I hoped would “fix” the game for me was the private draft board. At the beginning of the game, each player gets a private draft board and two of every color dice. Each round you draft one die via the normal draft and your second die comes from your personal draft board. Now, you can actually somewhat plan ahead, as you know 50% of the dice you will have available during the game. Perfect! If I know I need a specific die, I can at least try to plan ahead on which ones I take from my private pool. It's a much needed boost to the strategy portion of the game. As a bonus, it really works well at the higher player count as it speeds up the drafting of dice.
“Now, old man-- you have one last chance. Confess the heinous sin of heresy, reject the works of the ungodly -- *two* last chances. And you shall be free -- *three* last chances. You have three last chances, the nature of which I have divulged in my previous utterance.”
Okay. Okay, despite what I just said, I probably only use the private dice pool about half the time when the game comes out. I really don't have a reason for not using it. The expansion fits right into the base box with no issues, so it's readily accessible. It just involves pulling ten dice out of the bag for every player, making sure you have two of each color for each player and...you know what, let's just roll with the base game (Ha! Dice jokes!).
“Cardinal Fang! Fetch...THE COMFY CHAIR! Now -- you will stay in the Comfy Chair until lunch time, with only a cup of coffee at eleven.”
Uh, thanks for the chair? Is there any tea? I'd prefer that to coffee. Kind of like how I prefer Sagrada with this expansion but, really, it's okay either way. Pretty game, isn't it? Beautiful Plumage.