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What TV SHOWS are you watching?

20 Jul 2015 11:05 #206567 by repoman
While I haven't yet seen the last episode of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, as it is not yet available from BBC America "on demand", what I have seen is absolutely fantastic.

I don't know which F:ATie first recommended it but who ever you are, thanks. The show is great. Looks great, great writing, great acting and a very unique take on magic. Not "traditional" fantasy as we are used to. More "classic" in a medieval sense or even pagan sense.

I am really looking forward to the season finale next week.

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20 Jul 2015 11:44 #206575 by jpat
I started watching Homeland now that DISH and CBS/Showtime have ended their peeing match and gotten Showtime content on-demand on the tablet DISH Anywhere app. I thought I remember people saying that the show started well and then had at least one not-so-great season. For one, I can't say all that much positive about the first four episodes of season 1, either. Lots of people making stupid decisions, and the pace is not great. (I don't mind deliberate in general, but this seems labored.) Too many on-the-nose parallels.

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27 Jul 2015 22:08 #207243 by KingPut
Anybody watch NetFlix's Sense8 yet? I watched episode 1 and I'm feeling sucked into episode 2.

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28 Jul 2015 01:48 #207252 by mikecl

Mad Dog wrote: Hell on Wheels just started back up so I'll be watching that. Good first episode until the WTF moment at the end with the Swede showing up.

Even more disturbing is Bohannon appearing to hire him. That makes NO sense considering their history. That said, this series has had me hooked from the start. Best TV western series since Deadwood.

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28 Jul 2015 08:30 #207261 by Black Barney
Jon Stewart used board games in an analogy last night. Only two weeks of his show left and he starts talking about how Turkey bombing kurds complicates the ISIS situation. He said instead of it being a game of Risk, now it's Settlers if Catan and someone is hoarding sheep.

Then he called us all nerds

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28 Jul 2015 08:45 #207263 by Msample

mikecl wrote:

Mad Dog wrote: Hell on Wheels just started back up so I'll be watching that. Good first episode until the WTF moment at the end with the Swede showing up.

Even more disturbing is Bohannon appearing to hire him. That makes NO sense considering their history. That said, this series has had me hooked from the start. Best TV western series since Deadwood.

How many other Westerns have there been?

I tried to get into it, but after a few episodes lost interest. The fact that it has lasted this many seasons gives me reason to think it may be worth looking into again. I actually just rewatched Deadwood ( with some fast forwarding through some of the less interesting plot elements, namely the theater troupe in S3 and the reverend's descent into dementia from seizures ) . Still excellent overall though.

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28 Jul 2015 09:08 #207266 by Mr. White

repoman wrote: While I haven't yet seen the last episode of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, as it is not yet available from BBC America "on demand", what I have seen is absolutely fantastic.

I don't know which F:ATie first recommended it but who ever you are, thanks. The show is great. Looks great, great writing, great acting and a very unique take on magic. Not "traditional" fantasy as we are used to. More "classic" in a medieval sense or even pagan sense.

I am really looking forward to the season finale next week.

I seem to be unable to locate this show online. When I go to the BBC America website, I can only find the 30sec promo clips and such. Where are the full episodes?

My wife is working her way through her third viewing of The Office. We never really watched this show during first run, but my wife started binging it on Netflix about four years ago while up all night feeding our second child.

I don't care if it's super popular or not, that show is funny. Still funny to me the third time through. I don't sit and watch them all back to back, but she'll have them on while working through a project or something.

I was worried that when Michael Scott left the show would be done. However, Robert California was well worth another season. Dude was great. The show did lose itself at the very end when the writers lost sight of what they wanted to do with Andy Bernard. They spent time building up sympathy for him as a boss, then they do this 180 where he becomes a raging @$$ at the very end.

Doesn't matter though. This show has Creed Bratton. I laugh every time he does anything. Any episode, any season. He may just be my favorite tv character of all time.

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28 Jul 2015 09:51 #207270 by Gary Sax
You can get Strange and Norrell on amazon prime, but you have to pay for them. The season wasn't very expensive.

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28 Jul 2015 10:44 #207278 by ChristopherMD
I torrented Strange & Norrell.

I didn't get into Hell on Wheels earlier episodes originally, but have rewatched them after becoming a fan and like them now that I know the characters better. I like how similar to Deadwood some of the characters are based on actual people while others are archetypes. I also enjoy that unlike Deadwood (which is great) there are lots of pretty visuals of trains and landscapes. Deadwood just had the dirty shithole town.

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28 Jul 2015 11:50 #207281 by Msample

Mad Dog wrote: I torrented Strange & Norrell.

I also enjoy that unlike Deadwood (which is great) there are lots of pretty visuals of trains and landscapes. Deadwood just had the dirty shithole town.

That was part of the charm of Deadwood though. Look at old Western movies/shows and the towns were very wide open , spread out, and tidy. This was far from reality. Deadwood was truer to real life IMO. Over the course of the series, you saw the town take shape as more permanent structures were erected and the town got bigger.

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28 Jul 2015 12:33 #207289 by Michael Barnes
For reasons that I can't figure out, I started watching Stargate SG-1. Can someone tell me if the show ever becomes good? Because I can't imagine 10 seasons of that dreck.

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28 Jul 2015 12:49 #207296 by ChristopherMD

Michael Barnes wrote: For reasons that I can't figure out, I started watching Stargate SG-1. Can someone tell me if the show ever becomes good? Because I can't imagine 10 seasons of that dreck.

The first few episodes are the worst, but the shows quality definitely goes down overall.

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28 Jul 2015 12:50 - 28 Jul 2015 12:51 #207298 by boothwah

Michael Barnes wrote: For reasons that I can't figure out, I started watching Stargate SG-1. Can someone tell me if the show ever becomes good? Because I can't imagine 10 seasons of that dreck.

It moves past adventure of the week mode like in the 3rd season (?), and then becomes adventure of the week intermingled with backstory of War Between Ancient Races we thought were Gods. I dunno, back in ye olden days before Netflix and binge watching good stuff, I bought 5 seasons of it when Target was blowing out the DVD's. I don't think it ever moved past "This is better than Seinfeld reruns."
Last edit: 28 Jul 2015 12:51 by boothwah.

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28 Jul 2015 13:39 #207302 by RobertB
I'm binge watching Bojack Horseman. Here's the quote that sold me on trying it: "It feels weird to say, but a goofy comedy about a millionaire horse with a cat ex-girlfriend might have the best take on loneliness of any show on television. But don’t read that and expect the show to be a downer. It is very much a comedy first, just one with complicated issues."

I'm also watching The Strain. It's getting a little better, but it hasn't gotten a whole lot smarter. It's still gross enough to check off the 'Oh man, that's disgusting' box.

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28 Jul 2015 14:24 #207309 by Gregarius
For those of you who still haven't accepted the magnificence that is Hannibal, now is a good time to jump in. They just finished a pretty big arc, and last week kicked off the beginning of the Red Dragon storyline, which will last through the rest of the season (about six more episodes, I think). Sadly, the show was canceled and no one has stepped up to purchase the rights, so this will be the end of a truly amazing and different tv show.

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