Summer vacation is over! Steeped in ancient magic, invading aliens, rampaging super science, and heroic students, Takoashi University is no ordinary school. The Takoashi University line of card games are simple to learn and feature fast and fun gameplay. Each game embraces classic over-the-top anime action as you battle for the fate of Takoashi University.
Karate Fight is a speed matching card game for 2-4 players, in the tradition of classic games such as Slapjack, Egyptian Ratscrew, and Snip Snap Snorem. Players alternate flipping cards to draw attack and skill cards which their opponent must attempt to block. Failure means your opponent wins the bout and takes the entire center pile of cards, increasing their strength. Watch out though, when specific series of cards are played any player may slap the center pile and claim the cards. The player who wins all of the cards becomes the ultimate Karate Master!