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Game Information

Game Name
Asmadi Games

Innovation is a civilization-building card game by the designer of Glory to Rome, Carl Chudyk.

It contains 105 cards organized into 10 progressing ages, each representing a different idea, technology, or innovation throughout history. Every card has a unique ability, leading to interesting combos, interactions, and diversified play experiences across multiple games. It is built on simple base mechanics, with the complexity deriving from the wide variety of game text on the cards. It won the 2010 Golden Geek Award for Best Card Game, awarded by BoardGameGeek.

Editor reviews

1 reviews

I think the best way to describe this game is off-equilibrium. The game does not have or settle into a steady state besides the opening. The game starts from nothing with both players developing engines... which sounds familiar. The thing is that the engines quickily become wildly powerful, the game falls off the rails and you win. And that's the whole game, there's no comfortable middle game with both players happily humming along on their well balanced engines as the game watches.

Very creative. I wish I had played this more to really nail down opinions better.

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