This is part of a series of bloody matches to the death. Show support for your favorite game so it will do better in the fight. You can support it by writing why you think its the better game and more importantly by betting (i.e. voting for) it. Please make it clear for when I check the bets later. You have until Friday when I tally the bets and declare the winner. I will reserve my bet for any tie-breakers.
Although you should be familiar with both games, there is no rule that says you have to have played both of them. The only rule in Trashdome is this;
To all those people who break pegs... what the fuck is wrong with you, do you play with boxing gloves on?
My pieces were obviously more defective than yours.
JonJacob got the special chromed "Shill this game on F:AT" edition. You got nothing.
generalpf wrote:
I'd like to know how many of the ToI voters still play it.
Where do you get "Euro-esque" from Memoir '44? I guess Heroscape is "Euro-esque" too then.
I didn't know the winner of Trashdome was determined by which game was played most recently. A whole other site exists, where the value of a game is defined that way.
M'44 is a war game alright. It has small plastic tanks. However, game play follows the same line as TICKET TO RIDE: play a card, move plastic pieces, draw a card. Winner is determined through set-collection: 6 cards for the same flank win the game. Jokers like the "heavy bombardment" help, too.
Even my eurogaming buddies refer to it as "World War 2 dice bingo".
I'd like to know how many of the ToI voters still play it.
Where do you get "Euro-esque" from Memoir '44? I guess Heroscape is "Euro-esque" too then.
I didn't know the winner of Trashdome was determined by which game was played most recently. A whole other site exists, where the value of a game is defined that way.
Once playing Memoir's sister Battle Cry I had troops dug into positions right in the center of the board, way advanced of where they should have been able to reach and breaking my opponents line in two. I was in a commanding position and simply dominating the play. But I lost. My buddy captured more victory points by picking up scraps on the edges. By playing the most effective battle and chewing up my opponent in the most advantageous way I gave up the win. That's Euroesque.
The issue isn't the play as much as how success is evaluated. That in my opinion is Memoir's primary downfall (Battle Cry too) -- the game pays dividends for actions that just wouldn't make sense in the setting the game is aspiring to. This all in the name of making sure the game doesn't go on for too long.
Tide of Iron isn't the cat's meow either, but at least you get to bloody someone's nose a bit. Considering it's 3+ hour playtime there are some really good alternatives available in a more traditional vein. Alas, they'll be made of cardboard not plastic.