DarthJoJo wrote: . . . but I keep getting annoyed at the lack of decisions outside of hero purchase. You can always play every card in your hand, and the only decision is the order you play them in, which is normally pretty obvious . . . After a certain point, it feels like my deck pretty well just plays itself . . .
Forgive me but, isn't this more or less Deck Building's M.O.? You make your decisions during the purchase and let the thing play itself on future turns. You're never making a single decision without full prior-knowledge of the luck element's result. It's a chin-scratcher's play.
That's not a dig at the concept, more of an observation. In my opinion deck-building should be used as a member of the supporting cast in a game, something that needs to be tempered with some other random element, and frankly my choice would be dice rolling after the decision. Without putting some chatter into the game it's a very procedural affair. But that's a personal preference.
From that point of view, I see Dominion as kind of the top dog of the genre still, because the nature of the game fits the play. You're building a business where the goal is to accumulate wealth. Hire your employees, let them do their jobs. Kind of an HR Department game.
Thematic elements like superheroes or dungeon explorers don't mesh very well with so conservative a functionality.
I played Marvel Legendary twice, and both times thought to myself that the theme and the play were complete mismatches. When you're in Reviewer mode playing a game, something is wrong. Didn't help that their choice of art of Maria Hill, a personal favorite character (I dig competent women) was just plain awful.