Reviews written by WadeMonnig
The balance of prosperity and sustainability isn't just a game, it is something every single person on the planet should be striving for. The game One World is good, but the message and execution is unparalleled.
It's rare to find a game that can “grow-up” with your kids, but My Little Scythe can do that with the addition of the Pie in the Sky expansion. This relatively inexpensive expansion makes the little scythe is a little bit bigger and more advanced.
f you are looking to enhance the solo or two-player AuZtralia experience, the TaZmania map delivers. It's hard not to recommend that you team it with the Revenge of the Old Ones expansion (Not only for the third player option but the reinforced ports and outposts can help with those pesky pop-up Old Ones) but if you are simply looking for new, tighter areas to investigate, either solo or with a second player, TaZmania gives you a chance to explore the devil you don't know.
AuZtralia is one of the rare co-ops (well, competitive co-op) that still sings it's siren song to me years after it's initial release. Revenge of the Old Ones adds the bass of the Deep Ones to that dirge and only makes the pull stronger. This remarkably affordable expansion delivers on added challenges, additional depth, allowing a player to step in as the Old Ones and providing a new solo mode.
Railroad Ink Deep Blue feels like damage control with dry erase boards and markers. Everyone just tries to make the best of what random pieces are rolled. It's complete lack of interaction and fully heads-down nature doesn't have any appeal for me.
Viticulture has proven itself as a enduring worker-placement title. Adding the Co-operative element (along with what I consider the Legacy element) means, going in, you know if you like the game itself. So, if this sounds like something you will dig, you will dig it. I love the elements they have added, even if I am not a huge fan of how much it adds to the playtime (Each new continent you play feels like a teaching game...but on a much smaller level).
It is written that God saw all that he created and it was good. After playing Sagrada, I say “Well, It's...okay.” Nothing about it invokes passion or glory and whatever the other façades are called. It falls into that sub-section of visually attractive games that I don't dislike playing but are nothing I would actively seek out. It gives Sodoku-but-with-luck-limited-solutions vibes.
Literally nothing is stopping you from playing without the timer and Power Cards if you dig Risk at it's normal slog...err...pace. Because, despite the thin veneer of the Doctor Who setting, it's “just” Risk. But I can't say I don't enjoy pushing Daleks into Madagascar and bellowing “Seek. Locate. Destroy.” even if my vision is a little impaired by nostalgia.
Ruination provides Boom, Bam, and Pow in significant doses and the entertainment that comes with that. It may not be the Khan of the Wasteland, but it's shiny, chrome and a true War Boy.