Back when the hardcover edition first came out, my local comic shop ran a "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" special on Booster Gold: 52 Pick-Up. It certainly caught my attention, but I had a few questions first:
Do I need to have any previous knowledge about Booster Gold?
Do I need to have read 52 to fully understand what's going on?
Are you serious about the money back guarantee?
The answers to the questions were, "No," "No," and "Well, it's more that we give you store credit, but yes, we're serious," respectively.
It was enough to sell me a copy, so I hunkered down the cash, took it home, and that's as far as I got with it. I think it came out roughly the same time that the Sinestro Corps saga was going on, and that story took up most of my comic reading time at the moment. Time went on and 52 Pick-Up got buried beneath the veritable mountain of other comics and graphic novels that I read. That is, until last week, when I found the book, appropriately enough, on the bottom of a stack of graphic novels I've had accumulating for some time. If I didn't like it, I knew I'd be stuck with it at this point, but I figured it was time to see what the fuss was all about.