The Game So Nice I Reviewed it Twice.
Or, The Leather Beard versus The Rubber Hobo
On the Table
I was hoping to have part one of my epic interview with DOAII designer Brett Murell up today but I want his sign-off and last thoughts before I post. I think it’s good, I hope y’all will dig it. But while we wait, High Command from Privateer Press goes on the slab for this not really very Halloweeny episode of Cracked LCD.
The vast history of the human race told in a mediocre game.
Four for four.
DLC in cardboard form.
Oh no...
The arthouse 4x game.
Grand opening!
Oh, Steampunk...
Whack off and flip out.
It's a family affair.
Better than Siege of the Citadel.
Kirby wept.
Get Xidit.
Oh,how I wish you were weird.
Roll through the comics.
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