I'm feeling devasted.
This game meant a lot to me. It pulled me out of years-long depression and made me meet friends and new people from all over the world. I found something fun, of value and went out of my house at a time where I felt I was doing nothing of value. All my most popular writing, all the people who waited for my articles and so on were originally
Netrunner players. I've gotten somuch out of this game. I'm like 2300 plays into the game and loving it still. I've met so many amazing people, it hurts.
But beyond my personal stake on it, this is such an incredible game. I've always thought it truly is one of the best games ever made, as much as Chess it not more and seein git dissapear...man it hurts. The game will still exist, but it's not Civilization or Dune or whatever, this is a game with a learning curve that doesn't show itself fully after 1, 10 or even 100 plays. I feel we are losing the game forever, the real game, the one that exists beyond the cardboard. I fear a future where this amazing game will be ignored and wrote off because people don't go beyond the basics.
Jackwraith wrote: Trying to get in touch with a regular tournament player I know to see if there's any inside info. Why would they release a new core set if licensing negotiations weren't going well? Was FFG disturbed by sales of the new set and expansions, such that they decided to pull the plug before getting into another long-term arrangement? Did WotC decide they have a better offer from someone else? Weird.
Chances are it's all on WotC's court. FFG was clearly invested into the game and had very long-term plans for it (Rotation, new core, new deluxe set, the way certain cards were designed etc.). And the new core was selling well, not utterly fantastic but more than enough to rekindle interest and see where things were going.
Why Wotc decided to cut the cord is a mystery. There was no notice, either, not even the game designers expected this.
Michael Barnes wrote: Welp. Time to move this design over to RUNERUNNER, an all new LCG set in the exciting fantasy world of Terrinoth.
The terrible part is: It's WotC who owns the core mechanics and the Cyberpunk guys own some of the terms (Including
Netrunner). They still retain the rights to Android and all the theme of Android:
Netrunner but not the actual game.
Awful news all-around.